So Last Night…

I went to go see my sister last night.

The one other person in the world, who shares 100% of my genes, my life and my parents.

Now that I am married, sometimes it is hard to go see her. Also since she is recovering from a broken arm, it is hard for her to come see me too.

But yesterday, my mind was made up. I was going to see her.

And I did. I walked in with lots of chocolate and a huge hug.

And then we sat down and talked and caught up.

She is going through the ‘darkness before the dawn’, a place I know very well.

And perhaps, because I have been there, I know that it comes to an end.

But I also know, that when you are in it, it is hard to believe that it will ever get better.

It was hard work on my part yesterday. And at times, I am pretty sure my sister wanted to smack me.

I was being the Optimistic, Happy-Go-Lucky, “the sun is shining” person, that at times people want to shake till her teeth rattle.

But I just had to. I believe in “Fake it, till you make it.”

I almost got pulled down into that dark space too…

I was there to be by my sister’s side… true…

But did that mean I climb down to where she was… giving focus and energy to what I do not want to see in her life?

Or I stand my ground and give her a hand and pull her to where I was? Or at least, pull her to a better feeling place.

Yesterday was my “Bless Everything” day… and it was a success, I am carrying forward that experiment to today and probably tomorrow, and the day after and then the day after that, and then some more… Hopefully, 10 years from now, that will still be a part of my life.

I just kept going “I Bless Her”, this litany I kept in the back of my mind.

I had brought her a book too. I put “Bless You” in it, with the largest lettering I could manage.

A friend of ours, joined us too. And then I proceeded to tell them about how wonderful, my life has been these last few days. How saying, I Bless You and trusting the Universe to take care of me, is working like a charm.

And our friend picked up on that, on the energy and the theory.

And together, we managed to help my sister feel better, to work through her feelings, and to have a cathartic release.

Often, we forget, that we are not alone on this journey. Often, we think that we are limited in how many people we are connected to, who we can turn to for help, we put limitations on how we connect to the universe.

I read in Paulo Coelho‘s book, Brida, about how, we can have multiple soul mates, because the original souls splintered and spread out over the world. These splinters merge with other souls and form new ones, then splinter again and become part of that greater cosmic dance.

I choose to believe that theory, and thus, my sister and I were part of the same soul once, and at some point, I probably shared a soul with our friend as well.

There are shards and splinters of this and many more shared souls all over the world. I am connected and so is she and everyone else.

When I see someone I love or like, or even just have a connection with, be it a friend, or family, or even my animals….

I see my own soul shining back at me. 

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