Zen and the way of the pen

I don’t claim to be a master of zen.. at the very best.. I am good at sitting in one place for a while.. what my mind is upto during that.. is any body’s guess.
However one of the ways I find peace and a remote resemblance of zen is when I write.
I write the old fashioned way… pen and paper. And I do it everyday..not because it is a habit.. but more of a need.
I write as when my pen glides over the crisp clean paper.. I feel free. The world is found in the dots over the i’s and the flourish as I cross my t’s.
As I write my lines get neater and slower. The frenzied start slowing to a gentle flow. There is a rhythm when I write..the pen is but an extension of my breath..
Pens and diaries. My family laughs at my obsession with them. I actually avoid that section at stores else I am helpless to resist.. walking out with new stationery when I still have so much at home just waiting to be given their chance to live.
Yes.. I find life in writing. In the flow over the pages.. as the white gets covered in blue.. when the gaps between the letters create meaning.
I find myself when I write. And I lose myself when I write.
So I ask.. is that what zen tries to achieve? Is my way the one of the pen and the paper?

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