Living Free!

I am in a permanent relationship with freedom and fun!

We all want to do so much…

All of us, want to run ahead, forge ahead, charge ahead.

Take on the world and win, and stand on top of that great mountain and cheer to the world.

But then… We get caught up in our limitations, our faults, our mistakes.

We want to live feeling powerful and radiant. But we end up feeling wiped out and washed out.

So how about, we choose to break free… one baby step at a time?

So..  say…Here is my Desire for my life:

I want to ensure that my life condition (or simply, how I feel at any time of day) is high.

Step 1: That means I need to pay attention to it. Be aware of how I feel at various times of day. Stop working in robot mode.

Step 2: AND think of ways to feel better in the event,  I am not feeling as incredible as I want to feel.


Sounds like a lot to do. Part 3 has me worried already.

But here is the baby step.

Baby Step 1: Put a reminder on my phone. It pops up at various times of day, and asks me “Check Your Energy Levels!”

And that means all Energy Levels- Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual.

So that is Baby Step 1, which addresses Step 1, i.e., bring awareness into my day and my life. (Hey, we live in a technologically advanced world…. take advantage of it to advance your spirituality too! :D)

Baby Step 2: Write Affirmations to myself. READ THEM. SAY IT TO MYSELF. LOUDLY!

So, when the reminder pops up, it also acts like a trigger for me to do my affirmations at that time.

Take that break, take the time. Do them. SHOUT IT OUT LOUD!! (In your head, if you are at work… hehe… Hey, we have all heard ourselves yell in our own minds, right? So go in, give it your loudest battle cry!)

So this addresses Part 2 of fulfilling this desire. I feel better.

Even if I was feeling great at the time the reminder popped up, I do the check in and the affirmations anyway. THERE IS NO EXCEPTION TO IT. In fact, if I am already feeling Fantabulous (Fantastic and Fabulous, it is an incredible combination! 😉 ) the Affirmations come much easier and just reinforce my belief in my all amazing self.

You can always feel better, even if you are feeling great!

And here is the cool part of all of this…

Within Baby Steps 1 and 2, is contained Part 3, the scary part, the actually getting off my butt, and taking action part.

It is already done.

I checked in, did my affirmations, got the end results.

And in breaking it down and focusing at just that one baby step, that one little thing… I completed the Great Desire.

All I have to do is now is, Rinse and Repeat.  😀

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